The Art of Healing Workshops

Art Box Creations

Made with natural materials

Workshop facilitator Roxy Azuaje

Held at TEDc (Talcolcy Economic Development Corporation) Property – Liberty city

Recycled Wearable Art Workshop

Miami Dade Library – Aventura

Stencil Designs

Miami Dade library – Aventura

2D Visual Art

Art workshop conducted by Santiague Deprez

Miami Dade Library – Aventura

Hand painted wooden sculptures

Created by Seniors

Creative Expression Boxes for Self-care

Created by Seniors as a reminder to treat ourselves with love and care.

Watercolor Art Paintings

Senior Paintings

Recycled materials

Seniors expressing feelings using recycled materials.

Creatures made with wires, metals and wood

Friends and Family Art workshop

Miami Dade Library – Aventura

Abstract Art – acrylic oil painting

Created by Seniors and Veterans with mental illness

The Refinery Workshops

Participants at TEDc rental community in Liberty City made Terrariums with Kathy owner of KK Natural Gardens.